In addition to my PhD, I developed a YouTube channel where I explain music concepts with a mathematical approach (in French).
Selected Videos
Meshuggah and Algorithmic Music
Meshuggah and Algorithmic Music
The first metal group to be analyzed in a research article.
The Minimalist and the Music of Steve Reich
The Minimalist and the Music of Steve Reich
This is the Steve Reich analysis video with the most views on YouTube.
Rhythm Analysis of the Beatles
Rhythm Analysis of the Beatles
Applying GTTM rules to the music of the Beatles.
Euclidean Rhythm
Euclidean Rhythm
Explanation of the research of Godfried Toussaint about Euclidean rhythms.
Presentation of Rhythmic Trees
Presentation of Rhythmic Trees
Video based on the book A Generative Theory of Tonal Music (GTTM) applied to popular music.
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