Academic Work

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Paul Lascabettes & Isabelle Bloch (2024). What Are "Good" Rhythms? Generating Rhythms Based on the Properties Set Out in The Geometry of Musical Rhythm, Mathematics and Computation in Music.

Paul Lascabettes & Isabelle Bloch (2024). Discovering Repeated Patterns From the Onsets in a Multidimensional Representation of Music, Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology.

Paul Lascabettes, Elaine Chew & Isabelle Bloch (2023). Characterizing and Interpreting Music Expressivity through Rhythm and Loudness Simplices, International Computer Music Conference.

Paul Lascabettes, Carlos Agon, Moreno Andreatta & Isabelle Bloch (2022). Computational Analysis of Musical Structures based on Morphological Filters, Mathematics and Computation in Music.

Paul Lascabettes, Corentin Guichaoua, & Elaine Chew (2022). Generating Multiple Hierarchical Segmentations of Music Sequences Using Adapted Correlative Matrices, Sound and Music Computing.

Paul Lascabettes, Isabelle Bloch & Carlos Agon (2020). Analyse de représentations spatiales de la musique par des opérateurs simples de morphologie mathématique, Journées d'Informatique Musicale.

PhD Dissertation

Mathematical Models for the Discovery of Musical Patterns and Structures, and for Performances Analysis

Supervised by Isabelle Bloch & Elaine Chew at Ircam/Sorbonne University in the Music Representation Team (2020 - 2023).

Research Experiences